Friday, January 16, 2009

Ernest "The Cat" Miller Speaks


SHOW: Barbaric Wrestling Radio on
HOSTS: Shasta McNasty, The Constant Gardener, and France Presents The Sanford Gomph
GUEST: Ernest "The Cat" Miller
DATE: January 15, 2009

Shasta McNasty (Brett Buchanan) welcomes everybody to BWR and kicks off the show by asking Ernest why he decided to become an actor. He said he felt like he wanted to try it and he was very lucky to get some opportunities. He said he was pitching around a TV show in LA and all of the TV channels he talked to told him he had a lot of charisma and should become an actor. His manager then called him and told him there might be a role open in "The Wrestler" since they had tried out actors but they thought it might be a better idea to get a wrestler who can act. He said he paid his way out to do the movie. He said director Darren Aronofsky asked him to put on some weight and he wanted The Ayatollah to look like he was 52, and that he looked too young.

Shasta then asked if he based his character on any wrestler. He said it was hard to base it on anything because it wasn't like just a wrestling show, there was a lot going on during the filming of the match so he couldn't get that into a character inspired by another wrestler. Shasta then asks how long it took for Miller to film his match with Mickey Rourke and the answer is sure to surprise everybody who listens. He said Darren took a lot of takes. Ernest then went off topic discussing watching American Idol. The Constant Gardener then asked Ernest if he'd ever release his Catbo tapes from the old WCW ads, and Ernest told a funny story about fans trying to get the tapes.

Ernest Miller then discussed WCW 2000 saying that it was very unique but it was pretty good. Shasta then said that WCW 2000 is far better than any current wrestling show. Miller then talked about Vince Russo saying he gave him a lot of freedom and was the guy who gave him his spot as Commissioner. They then talked about Russo's controversial 2005 BWR appearance and questioned the legitimacy of his new religious choices. Shasta then asked if Ernest still talks to Glacier, and he said he doesn't.

Sanford Gomph then jumps in and asks, "Why the Cat? Why not the Jaguar?" Ernest said a cat is very "quick and small." Gomph then says "that's why Ernest wears leopard print," and Gomph also says he wears leopard print too, on his bathing suit. Ernest then suggests that Gomph and Chris Kanyon meet each other and he also tells a hilarious story about hanging out with Kanyon at a recent autograph signing and a hilarious text message conversation they had. Ernest said Kanyon now "talks gay," but didn't "act gay." The conversation regarding Chris Kanyon is comical to say the least. Ernest also mentions that he highly respects Kanyon.

Ernest then talks about his admiration of James Brown and his untimely passing. Gomph then asks "The Cat" how it feels to be a 3 time world karate champion, Ernest then says Gomph sounds stupid and he wants to fight him and kick his ass. Gomph says he could take him and roundhouse kick him. Shasta then calms Gomph and Miller down. Ernest then says his Momma is in the other room and he will call her if he has to. He then says he wants to fly out Sanford Gomph as his invited guest to an upcoming Oscar party in Atlanta. Gomph says yes and that he will wear his leopard outfit and that he will bring the funk. Miller says to leave the funk, but to bring the ass, and that Kanyon can escort Gomph.

Ernest then discusses working with Mickey Rourke and said that the match they did in The Wrestler was very important and had to deliver or the whole movie could have been ruined. Shasta then mentions how unpredictable the match was and not knowing if Ernest's character The Ayatollah would stiff The Ram or not. Miller also said Rourke did a lot of his own stunts and that if it wasn't for him Rourke couldn't have done the match. He said Mickey ran the ropes like a Grandpa but that he is tough and has "balls of steel."�

Later in the interview The Constant Gardener jumps in and asks Ernest if he likes the Ohio Players and then Ernest sings them. Ernest says there's no way Gardener actually likes funk music. Gardener says he likes the Neville Brothers and Earth, Wind, and Fire and Ernest says he is a legit fan. A fan also sends in a message saying that he wants Ernest to make a cat purring sound, since he is "The Cat" and Ernest has an interesting response.

Ernest also talks about Vince McMahon's negative response to The Wrestler, meeting Nicholas Cage and why Cage left The Wrestler, filming The Wrestler at ROH shows, his upcoming role as George Foreman on an HBO special, more of his upcoming film projects, Matthew Perry's reaction to The Wrestler and his performance, working with Josh Matthews on WWE Velocity and why he was replaced so quickly by Bill DeMott, calling out Santa on Nitro, and much more in this 35 minute plus hilarious interview that has to be one of the best in BWR history.

Head over to today to download the full BWR interview.


I went and saw The Wrestler last night - Fantastic film. I was surprised to see Miller in the film. Excellent work, excellent film.

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