Monday, January 12, 2009

Eric Bischoff vs Matt Hardy

A war of words has errupted between Matt Hardy and Ex-Raw GM Eric Bischoff.

Bischoff destroys Hardy

It all started with the new wrestling movie, ironically entitled "The Wrestler".

Fans and industry folk alike have all given their 2 cents on their thoughts of the new motion picture. One of those industry folk, just so happened to be Matt Hardy.

Matt Hardy stated in his review, that today's generation of wrestlers are a lot smarter and more responsible than their counterparts from the 1980s era.

Apparently, that one little comment triggered off something in Eric Bischoff.

Through his personal blog, Eric Bischoff destroyed Matt Hardy for those comments.

Controversy Creates Cash

It's common knowledge that Bischoff likes to create controversy.

In his blog, Eric Bischoff addressed several things in regards to the Matt Hardy's personal life.

Eric Bischoff pointed out the hypocrisy in Matt Hardy's comment, stating that his own little brother (Jeff Hardy) was one strike away from being fired by WWE for drug abuse.

He also called Jeff Hardy "Irresponsible", as Jeff didn't buy insurance for his home that was lost in a fire.

The former owner of WCW also stated that Matt Hardy was simply a midcard wrestler, and should be happy that he's getting a paycheck each week.

Eric Bischoff also suggested that Matt Hardy donate a portion of his paycheck to older wrestlers who are in need of financial assistance.


Obviously, the majority of fans are going to defend Matt Hardy (pictured above) because he's one of the most popular wrestlers around.

Plus, Bischoff already has a massive target on his back, since he was a former WCW guy and is no longer a WWE guy.

I agree with Bischoff. Younger wrestlers of today need to take a step back, and take a long hard look at the wrestlers who helped paved the way for the opportunities that they take for granted.

Pointing out that Matt Hardy was a midcard wrestler might be pushing the envelope a bit, but hell...

...Controversy Creates Cash.

Final Thoughts

Both guys can be quite vocal and public about issues in the wrestling world, and they don't seem to care who hears them. Hopefully this will settle down before things get uglier...and more entertaining.

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